03 December 2013


About 21.000 km in 5 months.
Average 146 km/day.
Longest distance in a day: 825 km (Koewacht - Poland).
Shortest distance in a day: 0 km (several locations while visiting towns or camping on a nice spot).
Mongolia: 1.150 km dirt road.
Yakutia & Far East: 3.114 km dirt road.
Siberia: occasional patches (40 km - 80km) of dirt road.
Diesel Russia: 30 RUB/l or 0,75 €/l.
Diesel Siberia (Kolyma): till 50 RUB/l or 1,25 €/l.
Diesel Mongolia: 2000 MNT/l or 1,00 €/l.
Diesel Japan: 133 JPY/l or 1,00 €/l.


Mongolia: only a vague track to be seen in the front of the car.
Mongolia: typical dirt road, probably based on century old tracks. 
Yakutia (Lensk - Yakutsk): typical man made sand embankment.
Without these, the taiga would be impenetrable.
Yakutia (Lensk - Yakutsk): clay/mud road through a village.
Kolyma Hwy (aka Road of Bones): the Golden Taiga on 16 September.
Rock/clay embankment.
Kolyma Hwy (aka Road of Bones): 18 September - Susuman.

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